Amy Rosoff Davis
Photography by Claudia Lucia
Amy! You're a Jane of All Trades! An actor, a writer, a producer, a personal chef, a personal trainer, a mama. Is there a thread that links all of these interests together?
I think they all relate to the fact that I like helping people and making things. I am a creative person with a lot of energy and zest for life ( as my mom would say), so I am attracted to a lot of things. I mean, if I could... I would do everything (I want to be an interior designer, engineer, I want to do PR and management, I want to write a book.. I mean, my list is LONG). I hope someday to tie them all together in a tv show. In the meantime, I will just keep busting my tail off at each and see which one brings me the most joy and success.
Your interest in healthy living and healthy eating is not just a passion, its a profession. Have you found that helping others find a healthy mind and body is integral to your career satisfaction? Is there an example of a person who's life you have helped through your coaching?
My goal when working with clients is to help them become the best version of themselves. To me that means helping them find happiness through self love. I always become close with my clients. I am not just a person counting reps, I am friend, mother, sister, therapist, coach, and confidant. All my clients are so dear in my heart. I have a set of twin clients who I feel I have helped very much. These 23 year old girls are very special to me. They teach me so much, and I am honored that I have taught them so much about health and taking care of their bodies. Nothing fills me with more joy than knowing I helped make someone happier and feel more love. I just want everyone to love themselves and treat their body like a temple... BECAUSE IT IS!
Women come in all shapes and sizes. How do you help your clients feel good about themselves even if they are not a size 2?
My whole approach is about loving yourself and the gorgeous body you were given. What I preach is self love and acceptance. Bodies are beautiful because they are all different! We are so special because there is only one of us that exists. I want my clients to love themselves from the inside out. A perfect body is a state of mind. A self loving, confident woman is the sexiest thing there is.
Balancing a marriage, a career, and motherhood is MAJOR!!! How do you manage it all?
It isn't easy. I am exhausted and fight the feeling of overwhelm regularly. I try and focus on one task at a time, and I try to be as productive as possible when I am in work mode. I am queen of multitasking, but I have found that complete focus on one thing at a time is actually a better way to get more done. Sometimes I only have 30 minutes to get to all my emails and texts. I used to spend forever crafting the perfect email or text with jokes and witty remarks. Now, I get to the point. Same with decisions, I used to LABOR over making the right decision and then I would stress over whether I made a mistake or not. Now, I just make a decision from a calm and focused place and move on. I work hard, and I play hard. I try and finish my work before my daughter wakes up from her second nap so I can spend quality time with her. My evenings are sacred for my husband and I. We both work so hard, so we try and protect our time together. We are very social, but also addicted to each other. I try find balance in every area of my life. It all seems to work better that way.
{ Amy is wearing the Crepe Cami Top in Tomato and the Crepe Pants in Tomato }
You have a very tight group of girlfriends - how do you support and challenge each other during this time of your life?
I feel so blessed to have such badass inspiring females in my life. My childhood 'sisterwives' (as we call each other) are my rocks. We have been extremely tight for over 20 years. We all have different professions and live in different places. We pump each other up and call each other out when it needs to happen. Mainly though, we laugh LIKE CRAZY. I have never ever laughed more or harder than with these girls. I can't even handle how happy they make me. We have a text chain and talk pretty much every day. I also have my college girls. We are all actors and started a theater company 10 years ago. Our 'baby' is now funded by Shonda Rhimes and thriving. We have all been up and we have all been down. We have helped each other navigate love, life, and career for years. We are all on our own path, and it's so comforting to always have someone you can call at any hour to come over and listen. Lastly, I have my mommy friends. We all met about a year ago and we must text 900 times a day. It's incredible to have such a wonderful community to raise our babies in!
If you could give a friend (or a new mom!) a tip on each of these subjects, what would it be?
Exercise- Fit it in when you can, don't beat yourself up if you miss a workout, but know how good it will feel to take care of yourself. Make YOURSELF a priority.
Eating- Eat delicious and healthy things from the earth. Try and make your own food - it is fun. Let yourself indulge- too many rules breeds obsession. If you eat healthy most of the time then that ice cream on the weekend or that extra glass of wine won't derail you!
Self-Care- SO IMPORTANT I CANNOT SAY ENOUGH ABOUT IT. When you take care of yourself you are your best self. Remember, happy mommy, happy baby, happy family. It's worth it to leave the baby with a sitter so you can do yoga. I promise. Balance- It's so hard to find that yin and yang, but so important. Work and fun. Health and indulgence. Think about how good and fired up you feel after a vacation. You need breaks to enjoy work. It's all about that balance.
Parenting- I just text Rachel to be honest. Haha. My main advice ( which I am sure Rachel gave to me) is to do what's best for you and your family. There is so much info out there and all your mom friends will tell you something different, so do what's best for YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.
What's your favorite two-sentence dinner recipe?
Quick and easy! Grilled meat or fish with our favorite steak seasoning ( I am serious, we put ATLANTIC SPICE COMPANY's steak seasoning on everything) and grilled veggies with olive oil and salt. Oh, and a glass of Rose! ( I used my two sentences wisely).
You've been wearing Rachel Pally for years. What keeps bringing you back to the brand? Any go-to pieces?
LOVE my Pally stuff!! It so comfortable and versatile. I can wear the same thing out for the day and then to dinner. I am obsessed with onesies- FAVE go to piece!! Also Pally is easy to launder and lasts forever! I still rock some pieces I got almost a decade ago!
When or where do you feel most beautiful??
When I spend time taking care of myself. Whether that's working out or going to infrared sweat or meditating. Even just taking the extra 10 minutes in the morning to curl my hair or put on mascara. Self care is so important to me and makes such a difference to my self esteem!